If at any time you need assistance with your membership or the product, please don't hesitate to contact Customer Success through www.LMGsupport.com Support hours are Monday - Friday from 9am to 6pm Eastern Standard Time.
We look forward to serving you on your journey to success with Prospect Rocket!
Best Wishes,
Your Prospect Rocket Team
***Important Note - In order to receive your access and all future updates please add support@realstrategic.com and support@strategicmarketer.com to your email provider's 'Safe Sender' list. Otherwise, please check your SPAM before contacting Customer Success.
Barry C.
"$297 in 8 Minutes! I fired up Prospect Rocket and launched a campaign for plumbers. Shortly thereafter I received a notification someone had opened my message.
When I got on the phone with him...I answered a few questions and I was off the phone with $297 in my PayPal account. Yes, folks it REALLY can happen that quickly."
Dave O.
"I just started a Prospect Rocket campaign and I'm getting a fantastic response... 51% open rate on the 1st email and 41% on today's email...
I have done 4 presentations today and have 4 more booked between now and Thursday... I'm excited."
Stacey M.
"Pulled leads and put leads into Prospect Rocket campaign....called prospects that opened email...followed the scripts...
now they are a new reputation client... $997/setup and $700 a month. Whoop whoop! The process works when you work the process!"